Weekly Update

Being a government worked during times of upheaval has me a bit scattered again. I felt like I was just finally finding my footing for “work/life” balance, which is difficult anyway as an artist, but now everything is shaken up and unsure.

Current Exhibitions

The Female Gaze, Davinci Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA - February 27 - March 23, 2025

Opening Reception this Saturday, March 1st from 4-7pm.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Follow the Universe, WOW x WOW - March 7 - March 28, 2025

In Shadow, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR - March 8, 2025

March for Art, Inliquid, Philadelphia, PA March 9 - 22, 2025

subject/matr/mother, Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO - April 2025

5 into 1 Anniversary Exhibition, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA - Summer 2025

Solo show, HUB-Robeson Galleries, Penn State University, University Park, PA - May-August 2026

Work in Progress

Moldmaking is in high gear for Mother. I am just trying to get it all done. Like all Mothers everywhere. So there’s that. March is going to be crazy I guess.

Weekly Update

Oh it’s all getting away from me again. I guess the world, or at least our world, has been 98% chaos lately.

Here are some updates for now:

Current Exhibitions

The Female Gaze, Davinci Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA - February 27 - March 23, 2025

Opening Reception this Saturday, March 1st from 4-7pm.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Follow the Universe, WOW x WOW - March 7 - March 28, 2025

In Shadow, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR - March 8, 2025

March for Art, Inliquid, Philadelphia, PA March 9 - 22, 2025

subject/matr/mother, Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO - April 2025

5 into 1 Anniversary Exhibition, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA - Summer 2025

Solo show, HUB-Robeson Galleries, Penn State University, University Park, PA - May-August 2026

Work in Progress

I have a lot going right now…nothing going fast enough though. I will gather and post an update tomorrow? Maybe.

Weekly Update

I am feeling the shift in the world (like we all are) and it makes me simultaneously want to turn inward and be more connected and vocal, but not through the regular channels. Art is an act of resistance in itself, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. This weekend we gathered some friends to the house participate in a short film that Olivia is making. The instruction was minimal and we figured it out as we went, but I had more fun in this chaos filled few hours than I had in a long time. It reminded me that gathering is important, even when you want to isolate….ESPECIALLY when you want to isolate.

Upcoming Exhibitions

The Female Gaze, Davinci Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA - February 27 - March 23, 2025

In Shadow, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR - March 2025

subject/matr/mother, Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO - April 2025

5 into 1 Anniversary Exhibition, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA - Summer 2025

Solo show, HUB-Robeson Galleries, Penn State University, University Park, PA - May-August 2026

Work in Progress

Moldmaking is underway on Mother. It has been a slow process as I was sick last week and the world seems to be busier by the moment, pulling my attention away from things that need it. I will try to refocus this week.

Weekly Update

I wish that we organized life so that Winter could truly be a time of resting and recuperation. It is difficult to keep at it 100% while slogging through the cold and emotions and such. I am all for hibernation.

Upcoming Exhibitions

The Female Gaze, Davinici Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA - February 27 - March 23, 2025

In Shadow, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR - March 2025

subject/matr/mother, Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO - April 2025

5 into 1 Anniversary Exhibition, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA - Summer 2025

Solo show, HUB-Robeson Galleries, Penn State University, University Park, PA - May-August 2026

Work in Progress

Mother is getting closer. The clay is drying with the heat being on, so I need to finish the head this week, and make a decision on where the tail goes, so I can start prepping this thing for mold making. Overall I am enjoying the process. I love sculpting large. We will see where this heads…

Weekly Update

Today is my amazing momma’s birthday. Celebrating with her and my family yesterday left my heart feeling lighter after the heaviness of the past week.

The fires in California have had me reeling, and I am across the country. I am trying to help how I can, by donating and sharing information, but am left aching for those who have lost everything. The beauty is that people are coming together and that gives me hope. If you can, find a family in need and donate. Artist Camilla Taylor and partner Jason lost their home along with Camilla’s artwork and tools. As anyone knows, a home and a studio take a lifetime to build and to lose it all at once is devastating. I will be gathering some tools and sending them along when the time is right.

Other than that I have been sculpting. It keeps my mind off of THE WORLD, which for me as a highly empathetic person is helpful. I’ve been listening to the Poor Things soundtrack and Godspeed You! Black Emperor on repeat.

Upcoming Exhibitions

In Shadow, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR - March 2025

subject/matr/mother, Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO - April 2025

5 into 1 Anniversary Exhibition, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA - Summer 2025

Solo show, HUB-Robeson Galleries, Penn State University, University Park, PA - May-August 2026

Work in Progress

Mother is coming along. I got a jaw set that I am happy with. I hope to finish the piece by the end of the month

Upcoming Miscellany

I am a little overwhelmed by everything at the moment. Today’s plan is to make a list and sort out my brain. Lists are like magic sometimes, how they can just untangle a lot of stress by getting the thoughts on paper. That’s all for now.

Happy New Year!

I started the year with home projects (a film/photo room in the house) and updating ‘About’ page and resume on my website. I am usually really good about keeping my resume current but realized it hadn’t translated to my website version since 2021…yikes.

I am someone who firmly believes in at very least quarterly updates to the resume. I keep a post it note at my desk with shows that I’d like to add to my resume so I don’t forget any when I finally sit down to do it. Lots of people struggle with this aspect of the Art life, but it is all just a list of things that have happened, so that is much easier than say pricing or artist statements.

Tips I have for those who are struggling with writing a resume:

  • Find an artist you love and look at their resume. Look at more artist resumes. Start to figure out what you like and dislike about each and make notes. This can be format, font choice, section headers, places shown, etc.

  • Start by making a list of everything you’ve done. Can’t remember? Scroll back through Instagram and emails, looking for shows you’ve done. One of my secret skills is that I am a very good forensic resume writer. I can dig up things people forgot even existed by scouring the internet.

  • Once you’ve made a list, organize it into sections… Shows (solo/museum/group), Press, Lectures, Awards, Collections. The categories will vary person to person and will change as you grow in your career. A RESUME IS A LIVING DOCUMENT THAT WILL CHANGE FOREVER. So the more comfortable you are with it now, the better.

  • Because it will go on forever as long as you are an artist, don’t worry too much about “messing up”. You can always fix it. Try something and see if it works. If it does, great. If not, change it next time you update.

Anything I missed?

Weekly Update

As this year comes to a close, I am already starting to plan for next year… Goals are going from loose ideas to more concrete steps. This is important to me, as I get older, because so often I feel like showing work can be more like a panic response than a carefully planned moment. Get asked to be in a show. Make work. Get it out the door. Repeat. There sometimes isn’t enough time to complete the thought as I’d like to, or to get as weird as I’d like to, and there certainly isn’t any continuity and/or planning for the future if every piece is a response to someone else’s idea. So I’m working on trying to be more active in the actual trajectory of my career. Because a succession of shows isn’t a career in my mind. I’d rather create work from a place that is intentional rather than reactive. Some things that are important to me are: getting into higher profile shows, with certain respected organizations and museums; still creating a series of affordable work that can reach a larger audience that I offer directly; creating bodies of work that are comprehensive both conceptually and physically…my ideas are only getting weirder and I don’t know that my work is always going to be suited for spaces offering more traditional “this hangs on a wall and fits in a box” type shows. I want to be able to take risks and have that supported. I guess seeing the Scott Kip show recently made me realize that I want to be making some work that isn’t necessarily suited to a traditional commercial space. With my job, I have much less time available to make work, so I’d like to make the most of it.

I am thankful for all the opportunities that have been made available to me so far in my life and am hugely grateful for the people and the spaces that have shown my work. Growth is hard because it feels like a rejection of the past, when, for me, it’s more something that is built upon all that I’ve ever done. I’ve always had this streak of wanting to do more/wanting to do something different…it’s just growing and I feel like I have to honor that moving forward. Stay tuned and see how that goes….

Upcoming Exhibitions

In Shadow, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR - March 2025

subject/matr/mother, Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO - April 2025

5 into 1 Anniversary Exhibition, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA - Summer 2025

Solo show, HUB-Robeson Galleries, Penn State University, University Park, PA - May-August 2026

Work in Progress

I finished most of what I had hoped to for this year and did start that larger piece. I will post progress on it tomorrow.

Upcoming Miscellany

I will work on that Second’s Sale, for real. I think.

Fixin’ bunnies…

Working on finishing up repairs to these guys. They live in a secret bookcase room at Founding Farmers restaurant in King of Prussia, PA, but unfortunately someone broke their feet. So, I added screws to the area where the feet were missing as an inner support. Next I used a 2 part sculptable epoxy (Magic Sculpt!) to rebuild the forms and patch some small chipped areas. Once that was set, a coat of gesso, then a coat of paint.

Scott Kip, Perpetual Inventory

These photos do this show zero justice. Scott Kip’s Perpetual Inventory is on view at Arcadia University for the remainder of the week. It is unlike anything else I’ve ever seen, yet also so familiar. It felt like a dream of my grandfathers basement that got lost in a Quay brothers film set.

Weekly Update

I imagine that in advance of the holidays everyone’s schedules have become a tangled mass of “holiday cheer” and “OMFG I just have to finish this”. Or at least that is where I am at. We aren’t particularly great at holiday things. I always want to be but somehow it escapes me….due usually to the above feelings of “cheer pressure” and deadlines. I had the thought last week that maybe I just wouldn’t do shows between October and December in the future, so I am not fighting deadlines while trying to enjoy my family and life in general. I will still make work, just not on a panicked “get ‘er done” type of schedule…We’ll see. I realize that I sound grumpy about it all. I think I’m just overwhelmed. Such is life!

In other news, Paul and I went to Procession Gallery yesterday, which was started by one of my former PAFA students. We bought 2 pieces are are very excited about them:

A piece by Brooke McVeigh.

New! (Yet to be hung) Top piece by Henry Murphy. Middle piece by Mark Manning. Bottom piece by Aubrie Costello. Bottom left by Josh Yelle. Bottom right by Nathan Reidt. Top left by Ray Abary. Top right by Chris Mrozik. Middle left cross stitch done of a photo of my work by Shana Mccarron. Middle right by Heather Gabel.

All the other things are mostly the same for now.

Current Exhibitions

Switch is still on view at the Center for Emerging Visual Artists until this Friday, December 20th. The work can be viewed and purchased HERE.

Upcoming Exhibitions

In Shadow, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR - March 2025

subject/matr/mother, Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO - April 2025

Solo show, HUB-Robeson Galleries, Penn State University, University Park, PA - May-August 2026

Work in Progress

I am mostly trying to finish some things for the end of the year. Casting molding for a friend. Repairing some rabbits for Founding Farmers restaurant. And getting ready to start a bigger piece. More to come very soon!

I Ching

This week I sent out a newsletter for the first time in about a year. A huge thanks to everyone who reached out. It really made it feel like I wasn’t screaming into the void, which is often what it feels like.

One thing I mentioned was that I started using the I Ching as a morning meditation tool and I wanted to include a quick note to show what my process is like.

I learned the process from the intro in the book (this is the one I have!) It’s really easy. You need 3 coins (I use a collection of foreign coins I had) the book and I use a notepad to record the hexagrams.

Once I do this, I read the corresponding text, and record the hexagram in the corner of my planner (Moleskin 18 Month is my go to.)

The process overall causes me to pause and approach things a little more calmly. If you give it a try, let me know how it goes!

Weekly Update

I’m on a roll… I set up a newsletter to go out later today. Now a blog post. Crazy!

Truth is I am trying to be more organized. And all of this helps me do that. Plus, as I mentioned in my newsletter today, I miss sharing my process lately. And Instagram just does not feel like the place it once was. This has me retreating a bit into my own space, and you are certainly welcome here.

Mawdi enjoys my studio wall….mostly she is pleased with herself for stealing the rabbit’s foot off of that lone empty thumbtack.

Current Exhibitions

Switch, is still on view at the Center for Emerging Visual Artists and runs through December 20th. The work can be viewed and purchased HERE.

Paul and I had work on display at the AQUA Art Fair in the Arch Enemy Arts booth December 4-8.
I am very thankful that my piece sold. You can view the exhibition HERE.

Prize Winner, by Paul Romano

Upcoming Exhibitions

In Shadow, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR - March 2025

subject/matr/mother, Carbondale Arts, Carbondale, CO - April 2025

Solo show, HUB-Robeson Galleries, Penn State University, University Park, PA - May-August 2026

Work in Progress

This week I am catching up on some projects, before I start some new things. Enjoy some peeks into the studio while I am casting, casting, casting…!

Weekly Update

And we’re back. Struggling to find the motivation to keep up with online anything, especially during the holiday weekend shopping extravaganza where the entire internet is screaming “BUY THIS!”. Olivia and I went to the mall on Friday for Santa photos and I had to break up a fight between two middle aged women, which started just because they were both rude. (Don’t worry, I told Santa about it.)

Anyway, here are some updates…some the same and some newish.

Current Exhibitions

Small Wonders 13 is coming to a close at Arch Enemy Arts but the work is still online. All pieces in this show are under $300, which makes it perfect for holiday gifts. Work can be viewed HERE

Switch, opens today at the Center for Emerging Visual Artists and runs through December 20th. The work can be viewed and purchased HERE.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Paul and I will have work on display at the AQUA Art Fair in the Arch Enemy Arts booth December 4-8.
Here is my piece and a sneak peek of Paul’s, (the horse) which I love.

Work in Progress

Here are my thoughts so far for subject/matr/mother, a group exhibition at Carbondale Arts in Carbondale, CO:

Weekly Update

Behind again, but I haven’t given up yet. I am trying to slowly move forward despite it all. Let’s see how that goes…

Current Exhibitions

I have work in Small Wonders 13 at Arch Enemy Arts through the end of the month. All pieces in this show are under $300, which makes it perfect for holiday gifts. Work can be viewed HERE

Switch, opens today at the Center for Emerging Visual Artists and runs through December 20th. The work can be viewed and purchased HERE.

Upcoming Exhibitions

My work will be on display at the AQUA Art Fair in the Arch Enemy Arts booth in early December.
This piece is a study in the various finishes I use in my work.

Work in Progress

I’m still planning/making work for subject/matr/mother, a group exhibition at Carbondale Arts in Carbondale, CO. Right now I have three pieces in progress, and another (larger) one in the wings. My thoughts are that I’d like to have 7 pieces total and I am figuring it all out…I think.

So busy…

I’ve been so busy…work, appointment after appointment, fun things for O’s birthday, cats and more cats. But finding time to go see some Art always seems to bring me back to earth.

Tell me all your secrets…

The last three hummingbirds in my “Tell me all your secrets…” installation are now at the Center for Emerging Visual Artists aka CFEVA for their small works show, Switch. This series was made for a show that I was in last year, Birds Rising at Brassworks Gallery, and while a few sold, I received about half of them back. Being able to find new places and therefore new audiences for pieces is always exciting for me. We see so much Art through a tiny screen anymore and it’s just not the same. Like David Lynch says about watching movies on a phone… it’s just not the same.


To know someone for so little time, but to be with them at the end stretches the knowing out into some universal infinity. We first saw these kittens on Monday, so it’s only been a week, but loss hits solidly whenever it comes.

This little calico, which we’ve been calling Pumpkin Pirates (Pirates is her mother), died this afternoon. When I came out this morning, she was completely limp and barely breathing with eyes open. I tried to get her warmed up. Paul offered to rush her to the animal hospital. But I knew it was already too late. She took her last breaths wrapped in a blanket on the grass in the sunshine, near her family. I watched over the entire time, my heart breaking over and over again. When she was still, I buried her under our Magnolia tree.

Normally when I come upon a dead animal, I take a photo so I can memorialize them in a future sculpture. Giving some sort of future to the nameless that have passsed I suppose. But I couldn’t bear to do it this time. I can still picture her too clearly and maybe I didn’t want a reminder of how awful nature can sometimes be.

Weekend friends

In addition to Art and Work and Life, we also squeeze in rescuing cats. New to the yard, are these tiny guys and their mom, Pirates. She was recently taken to be spayed and they are so very happy she is back.